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Ben Afquack the Drumming Duck Is A Skilled Feathered Companion

Playing the drums and riding motorbikes might not come to mind when you think of traditional duck hobbies like paddling, eating, and quacking. Ben Afquack, on the other hand, isn’t your usual feathery companion. Thanks to his humorous drumming videos and lovely Instagram photos with duck dad Derek Johnson, this cute critter has gained quite a following on social media.

Johnson, who is also a drummer, told Daily Paws that the drumming videos happened accidentally. When Ben Afquack is raised up, he has the urge to kick his small legs, and Johnson’s wife slipped a snare drum beneath Ben’s legs as he kicked. The pair made a lovely video and shared it on Facebook, where it garnered a surprising amount of attention.

Ben now has his own Guinness World Record when an Instagram account dedicated to this adorable duck (@minnseotaduck) surpassed 89k followers. Johnson claims that Ben is even recognized in public, in true celebrity manner.

Johnson attributes the inspiration and popularity of the social media account to Ben’s inherently adventurous attitude. Johnson was astonished by the positive outcomes, even though he wasn’t sure how wonderful of an adventure companion a pet duck would be.

Johnson tells Daily Paws that “one thing that makes [ducks] ideal adventure companions is their propensity to follow you.” “Once people get to know you, they have no option but to follow you wherever you go!”

Ben Afquack began embarking on trips with him the day he returned home, according to Johnson, including rides on his motorbike in a specially constructed backpack with mesh so he could take in all the sights.

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Ben Afquack’s motivation to get out and live life to the fullest inspires us to do the same. In addition to encouraging Johnson to be more responsible and caring, Johnson enjoys assisting his pet duck lead an interesting life.

This is why we’re better together, adds Johnson: “We’re pals.” “Everyone benefits from this.”

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